
I. 宗旨声明

十大平台网赌下载最新(以下简称“BHC”或“学院”)根据2013年伊利诺伊州枪支隐蔽携带法案(430 ILCS 66)及其授权法规,特此制定BHC隐蔽携带指南. BHC is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for the BHC community and its guests. 支持这一承诺, 根据董事会颁布规章制度和2013年伊利诺伊州枪支隐蔽携带法的权力,BHC对在BHC校园携带枪支或武器的能力进行了限制.


  1. To Reaffirm the Board’s commitment to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
  2. 承认该法案为持有有效许可证携带隐蔽枪支的个人(此类合格个人在指南中称为“被许可人”)提供了某些有限的权利。.
  3. To clearly delineate the rights and responsibilities of Licensees on College property.
  4. 规定被许可方和非被许可方违反本指南的后果和处罚.

II. 本指南所涵盖的人员

本准则适用于所有员工, 学生, 经营业务的人士, 或个人访问BHC校园地点, “校园”的定义见本指引. 游客包括, 但不限于, 未来的学生, 以前的学生和他们各自的家庭.

3. 被禁止的活动

A. 武器或火器

“校园”包括, 但不限于, the BHC campus in Moline; regional campuses in Moline, 东风车式的, 岩岛, Galva and Kewanee; and sites, 是否拥有, 由BHC租赁或控制, BHC项目, 举办活动和课程. 本指南不涉及任何人, unless authorized by law or specifically exempted by federal or state law or BHC regulation, is authorized to possess a weapon or firearm while engaged in BHC-related business or activities.


  1. Any person covered by this Guideline from possessing a weapon or firearm on property owned, 由BHC租赁或控制, even if that person has a valid federal or state license to possess a weapon or firearm.
  2. Any person covered by this Guideline from displaying, 挥舞着, discharging or otherwise using any and all weapons or firearms, 包括隐藏的武器或火器.

B. 其他禁止活动

It is the intent of BHC to prohibit all persons covered by this Guideline from making threats, 暴力的恐吓或从事暴力行为的. Such behavior or actions will not be tolerated and may result in discipline, 包括但不限于, 直接排放, 驱逐, 和/或被学校开除.

C. 异常

  1. The provisions of this Guideline do not apply to the possession of weapons or firearms in BHC vehicles, 六氯建筑, 以BHC为理由, 或在任何bhc赞助的活动中,如果持有武器或火器与以下例外之一有关:
  2. 武器或火器的使用与常规业务中提供的或经BHC批准和授权的武器安全或培训课程有关.
  3. The weapon or firearm is carried by an on duty law enforcement officer required to carry a weapon or firearm as a condition of their employment; the weapon or firearm is carried by a law enforcement officer from an external agency conducting official business at BHC; the weapon or firearm is carried by an off duty law enforcement officer visiting, 上课, or other training; the weapon or firearm is carried by an armed security guard servicing Automated Teller Machines (ATM); or any other exception is deemed necessary as determined by the BHC Chief of Police. 不穿制服的不当班的警官在校园里携带隐藏的枪支必须向十大平台网赌下载最新警察局登记. 
  4. The use of simulated weapons or firearms in connection with BHC-related theatrical productions.

IV. 适用指南的位置

就本指引而言, “BHC财产”包括任何地点, 包括大学拥有的车辆, 是否拥有, 由BHC租赁或运营, 以及任何不动产, 人行道和公共区域由BHC控制.

A. 停车

武器、枪支及其弹药在停放的车辆内锁在看不见的箱子里的,可以运入车辆内的不受限制的停放区域. 持有隐蔽携带许可证的人可以在校园内的所有公共停车场停车,只要他们遵守《十大平台网赌下载最新》的所有规定. 武器或火器只能在有限的情况下从车辆后备箱内取出或存放.  A weapon or firearm must first be unloaded before removal from the vehicle.

B. 储存武器或火器


V. 执行

个人, 学生或员工在校园里被发现持有枪支可能会被逮捕和刑事起诉, 根据学校的规章制度和程序,也有可能被开除和/或终止雇佣. If you believe a person is in violation of this guideline, please call the BHC警察局.

任何访问BHC财产或在BHC财产上开展业务的个人被发现故意携带武器或枪支进入BHC财产, or under circumstances in which the person should have known that they were in possession of a weapon or firearm, 可能会被禁止进入BHC校园.

Any student found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of BHC knowingly, 或者在学生应该知道他们拥有武器或火器的情况下被发现携带武器, 可能会受到纪律处分,包括, 但不限于, 被BHC开除.

Any employee found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of BHC knowingly, 或在雇员本应知道他们持有武器或枪支的情况下被发现携带武器或枪支, 可能会受到纪律处分,包括, 但不限于, 立即终止雇佣关系, subject to such other employment rules or regulations in place.

Any individual found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of BHC knowingly, 或被发现携带武器或枪支的情况下,个人应该知道他们拥有武器或枪支, may be subject to  arrest and prosecution or referrals to external law enforcement agencies.

VI. 报告要求

BHC董事会授权BHC总裁颁布实施本指南的协议,包括, 但不限于, delegating required reporting responsibilities and protocols related to storage and confiscation of weapons or firearms.

7. 有关指引的资料分发

BHC公共关系和市场营销, in consultation with other relevant divisions of BHC and executive administration, 负责在BHC校园社区制定和分发有关本指南的信息, BHC媒体和外部受众.

8. 定义

  1. A “firearm” is defined as:  loaded or unloaded handgun. “手枪”被定义为任何被设计用来通过爆炸的作用排出一个或多个弹丸的装置, 气体膨胀, or escape of gas that is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.
  2. “武器”的定义是:任何装置, 无论是装载的还是未装载的, 它能射出子弹, 球团, flare or any other projectile including those powered by CO2. 这包括, 但不限于, 机枪, 步枪, 散弹枪, 手枪或其他火器, BB /子弹枪, 弹簧枪, 彩弹枪, 信号枪, 眩晕枪, taser or dart gun and any ammunition for any such device. 上述任何复制品也被禁止.
  3. Any explosive device including, 但不限于, firecrackers and black powder.
  4. Any device that is designed or traditionally used to inflict harm including, 但不限于, 弓箭, 任何刀刃超过三英寸的刀, 猎刀, 定刃刀, 把刀, 匕首, razor or other cutting instrument the blade of which is exposed.
  5. “Case” is defined as a glove compartment or console that completely encases the weapon or firearm and its ammunition, 汽车的后备箱, 或者是一个武器盒或携带枪支的盒子, 运输箱或其他容器.

IX. BHC警察局

BHC警察局, in consultation with other relevant departments of BHC and executive administration, shall be responsible for the development and promulgation of procedures, 关于储存和没收武器的议定书.

BHC警察局长, in consultation with other relevant departments of BHC and executive administration, 应颁布政策和程序,以确定是否有必要对本准则作出例外规定.

X. 明确和当前的危险

学生服务副总裁和/或警察局长应由BHC总裁指定,负责向伊利诺伊州警察局报告任何学生, 或根据ILCS 5/6-103第405条所列规定确定构成明确和当前危险的其他指名人士.3.

XI. BHC设施部

BHC设施部, 与BHC警察局协商后, 应确定在所有建筑区域入口处放置清晰醒目的标志,说明禁止隐藏枪支. Signs shall be in accordance with the design approved by the Illinois State Police. BHC设施部 shall be responsible for the maintenance of signage.

十二世. BHC公共关系和市场营销

BHC公共关系和市场营销, in consultation with other relevant departments of BHC and executive administration, 负责在BHC校园社区制定和分发有关本指南的信息, BHC媒体和外部受众.

十三世. 代表团

BHC 校董会 delegates to the President of BHC the authority to promulgate additional policies, regulations and procedures related to and consistent with this Guideline, the 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act and other relevant laws and regulations.

BHC总裁应不时地, but not later than 30 days from the development of any additional procedures, 向BHC董事会报告此类新增内容, 的指导方针, regulations or procedures and the status of implementation of this Guideline.





